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Note: Please take heed of the following items, as highlighted in Veeam documentation, as they’ll most likely require additional configuration in your custom integration or in your Veeam environment:

Workflow to onboard a Cloud Connect tenant

The below workflow describes onboarding a Cloud Connect tenant so they can leverage Cloud Connect Backup or Cloud Connect Replication. It follows the process of creating a Company in the Veeam Service Provider Console. While these instructions were written for version 6.0, they can be applied to version 5.0 with minor changes to the API calls used.

  1. /v3/organizations/companies - creates the Company in the Veeam Service Provider Console.
  2. /v3/organizations/companies/{companyUid}/sites - creates the Cloud Connect tenant account in the Veeam Backup & Replication server
  3. Create a backup or replication resource
  4. /v3/organizations/companies/{companyUid}/welcomeEmail
    • This is Veeam’s built-in method for providing your newly onboarded tenant credentials as well as getting started instructions. If required, the welcome email template can customized to your liking.

Workflow to onboard a managed services customer

The below workflow describes a customer where you’ll be managing the customer’s Veeam environment. It follows the process of creating a Company in Veeam Service Provider Console, creating a Pulse license for the newly created company, and installing the license to the remote customer server.

  1. /v3/organizations/companies - creates the Company in the Veeam Service Provider Console.
  2. /v3/organizations/companies/{companyUid}/sites - creates the Cloud Connect tenant account in the Veeam Backup & Replication server
  3. /v3/pulse/tenants - that’s needed to create your new client in the VCSP Pulse platform (required to cut a license key)
  4. /v3/pulse/licenses - these API calls provide the necessary information to use when creating the license:
  5. /v3/pulse/licenses/{licenseUid} - after this step, the newly created license key gets pushed to the client self-service portal and makes it available for you to download
  6. /v3/pulse/licenses/{licenseUid}/download and convert it from Base64 to license file for further usage
  7. Connect customer server so it’s managed by Veeam Service Provider Console:
  8. Licenses can now be installed on the customer’s server using these calls: