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Blueprint Data Sizing Assumptions

This section details sizing assumptions for reference based on 1000 Users. 1000 users are assumed to have the number of objects tabulated below:

Office 365 Object Quantity
Exchange Mailboxes 1000
Exchange Archive Mailboxes 500
Exchange Shared Mailboxes 75
OneDrive’s 1000
SharePoint Personal Sites 0
SharePoint Shared Sites 15
Total Number of Objects 2590

The following provides an assumed per user and total space consumption for Office 365 users.

Office 365 Object Quantity
Office 365 User Data Size 10 GB
Office 365 1000 User Data Size 10 TB

These assumptions provide a reference point to extrapolate sizing for any number of users to protect. 1000 users could generate about 2,590 objects and utilize about 5TB of storage space assuming 5 GB consumed per user. Deviations from this assumption will increase storage consumption. Plan accordingly!

Based on the previously stated object assumption, the following table was derived, providing a translation of the number of users to objects. Utilize this table to estimate the number of objects protected for a given quantity of users. This data will subsequently be used to determine the number of total Proxy servers needed to process a given workload.

Number of Users Est. Number of Objects
500 1,295
750 1,943
1,000 2,590
3,000 7,770
5,000 12,950
6,000 15,540
7,500 19,425
10,000 25,900
20,000 51,800
40,000 103,600
50,000 129,500
60,000 155,400

Object Storage Cache requirements

As detailed above block storage, attached to proxy servers, can be allocated to Backup for Office 365 repositories.

The estimated sizing for the aggregate of the cache required is 1 – 1.5% of the original Office 365 data. Additionally, backed-up data may be reduced by 40-55% depending on the object type. The following table provides estimated storage space required for the cache volume.

Num of Users M365 Data (TB) Estimated (1.1%) Required Cache (GB) Backed-up data after ~45% data reduction (TB)
500 5.0 55.0 3.25
750 7.5 82.5 4.88
1,000 10.0 110.0 6.50
3,000 30.0 330.0 19.50
5,000 50.0 550.0 32.50
6,000 60.0 660.0 39.00
7,500 75.0 825.0 48.75
10,000 100.0 1,100.0 65.00
20,000 200.0 2,200.0 130.00
40,000 400.0 4,400.0 260.00
50,000 500.0 5,500.0 325.00
60,000 600.0 6,600.0 390.00

Your sizing mileage may vary

It is important to remember that the sizing details provided above will vary per Tenant. Listed below are a number of Veeam and community-supported resources which may be used to more accurately predict the current storage usage (in O365) and in-turn the backup storage and compute resources required.

  • Veeam Best Practice sizing guide – this guide is intended to provide best practices for Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 >
  • CloudOasis – This automated sizing calculator includes VCSP specific information. Simply login with an authenticated user from your Tenant organization >
  • DomaLab - If you are unable to acquire the Tenant credentials for access to the live O365 organization, but have access to raw sizing data, this online calculator will help predict the resource requirements >